Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The birth of Kyleigh Alyssa

Wow....Almost 3 weeks ago i was giving birth to my beautiful daughter Kyleigh!! That day could not get here fast enough and when it did, i honestly was freaking out a little. Let's start at the beginning....

A week before my due date i had an appointment with my OB/GYN, Dr. Aron on a Wednesday. While there for my normal visit he decided to strip my membranes to speed things up, and let me tell you, wow did that hurt!!! He then told me that if i hadn't gone into labor by my next appointment, also a Wednesday, that we would talk about inducing me. Well by the next Wednesday, still no baby! Dr. Aron said that since i was full term, there was no reason why we couldn't go ahead and induce me. After calling Civista, he came back and told me we could do the inducing on Friday, June 24, Kyleigh's due date!! I was so excited, but the nervousness was setting in also. My inducing was scheduled for 6 am and i knew that night before was going to be a rough one. My baby girl will finally be here!!

We arrived at the hospital at 6 am Friday and at that point i was freaking out a little. I was super excited that the day was finally here, but because i have had no experience with giving birth, or seeing someone give birth, i had no idea what to expect and that made me nervous. People had shared some stories with me about child birth, but to be honest, i didn't want to hear too much from them. Listening to the freaked me out a little at times so i thought it was best if i just experienced it for myself. I am glad i did though because while child birth is a beautiful thing, i would have been even more scared knowing all the details lol. Anyway, it took awhile for us to get all settled in, they needed me to fill out some more paperwork and then of course i needed to be hooked up to all the machines. I would say that by 8ish i was all set up. I was given Pitocin to get the labor process started and eventually Dr. Aron came in to break my water, which again, wow did that hurt!! At first the dilating started out pretty slow. My contractions started getting more noticeable but i was able to tolerate them pretty well for awhile. Eventually though they were getting to the point where i didn't know how much longer i could deal with them and my nurse said that if that was the case i should prob go ahead with the epidural now because it prob wouldn't be too much longer before it would be too late. I knew going into the pregnancy that i wanted and epidural, no hero here, so the time i was dreading was here. While the process was pretty painful, i honestly think i was expecting worse.

Around 3 something it was finally time to push. At first it was just Josh and I in the room. Figured we would get the process started first and then when it was almost time for Kyleigh to come, i would have our mom's come into the room. I think it was a good decision because i was pushing for almost 4 hours!! The suspense was driving my mom crazy because she kept coming to the curtain, wanting to come in :) I knew though that having people in there during all of that struggling for me would drive me crazy! Even though their words would have been meant for encouragement, i just needed to be in my own little word during that process. Josh & the nurse were carrying on conversations and even that was annoying me some. The nurse thought something was wrong with me because i was so quiet but i told her it was just because i needed to be off in my own little world to focus. After about 3 1/2 hours of pushing Dr. Aron came in and told me that after going thru this for so long, it was time to discuss my other options, C-Section or the forceps. I knew a C-Section would be my absolute last resort, so i asked him to explain the Forceps process to me. It was after hearing that and them actually going to get the forceps to show me, that Kyleigh finally started coming. And at 7:04pm our beautiful daughter entered the world at 8 pound 6.6 ounces 20 1/2 inches long. She was absolutely gorgeous and as healthy as she could be. I definitely was not expecting such a big baby though. The doctors guess before she came was in the 7 pound range, but i guess with me being born 8 pound 13 ounces, it should have been expected.

It was finally time for parenthood to begin for us!!!

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