Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The birth of Kyleigh Alyssa

Wow....Almost 3 weeks ago i was giving birth to my beautiful daughter Kyleigh!! That day could not get here fast enough and when it did, i honestly was freaking out a little. Let's start at the beginning....

A week before my due date i had an appointment with my OB/GYN, Dr. Aron on a Wednesday. While there for my normal visit he decided to strip my membranes to speed things up, and let me tell you, wow did that hurt!!! He then told me that if i hadn't gone into labor by my next appointment, also a Wednesday, that we would talk about inducing me. Well by the next Wednesday, still no baby! Dr. Aron said that since i was full term, there was no reason why we couldn't go ahead and induce me. After calling Civista, he came back and told me we could do the inducing on Friday, June 24, Kyleigh's due date!! I was so excited, but the nervousness was setting in also. My inducing was scheduled for 6 am and i knew that night before was going to be a rough one. My baby girl will finally be here!!

We arrived at the hospital at 6 am Friday and at that point i was freaking out a little. I was super excited that the day was finally here, but because i have had no experience with giving birth, or seeing someone give birth, i had no idea what to expect and that made me nervous. People had shared some stories with me about child birth, but to be honest, i didn't want to hear too much from them. Listening to the freaked me out a little at times so i thought it was best if i just experienced it for myself. I am glad i did though because while child birth is a beautiful thing, i would have been even more scared knowing all the details lol. Anyway, it took awhile for us to get all settled in, they needed me to fill out some more paperwork and then of course i needed to be hooked up to all the machines. I would say that by 8ish i was all set up. I was given Pitocin to get the labor process started and eventually Dr. Aron came in to break my water, which again, wow did that hurt!! At first the dilating started out pretty slow. My contractions started getting more noticeable but i was able to tolerate them pretty well for awhile. Eventually though they were getting to the point where i didn't know how much longer i could deal with them and my nurse said that if that was the case i should prob go ahead with the epidural now because it prob wouldn't be too much longer before it would be too late. I knew going into the pregnancy that i wanted and epidural, no hero here, so the time i was dreading was here. While the process was pretty painful, i honestly think i was expecting worse.

Around 3 something it was finally time to push. At first it was just Josh and I in the room. Figured we would get the process started first and then when it was almost time for Kyleigh to come, i would have our mom's come into the room. I think it was a good decision because i was pushing for almost 4 hours!! The suspense was driving my mom crazy because she kept coming to the curtain, wanting to come in :) I knew though that having people in there during all of that struggling for me would drive me crazy! Even though their words would have been meant for encouragement, i just needed to be in my own little word during that process. Josh & the nurse were carrying on conversations and even that was annoying me some. The nurse thought something was wrong with me because i was so quiet but i told her it was just because i needed to be off in my own little world to focus. After about 3 1/2 hours of pushing Dr. Aron came in and told me that after going thru this for so long, it was time to discuss my other options, C-Section or the forceps. I knew a C-Section would be my absolute last resort, so i asked him to explain the Forceps process to me. It was after hearing that and them actually going to get the forceps to show me, that Kyleigh finally started coming. And at 7:04pm our beautiful daughter entered the world at 8 pound 6.6 ounces 20 1/2 inches long. She was absolutely gorgeous and as healthy as she could be. I definitely was not expecting such a big baby though. The doctors guess before she came was in the 7 pound range, but i guess with me being born 8 pound 13 ounces, it should have been expected.

It was finally time for parenthood to begin for us!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

39 weeks 2 days

......& Kyleigh is apparently in no rush to make her appearance!! I honestly would have thought she would be here by now. I am huge and feel like i could literally pop if you poked me with something. She's got to be running out of room in there so i don't see how it can be that comfy in there, but comfy and warm she must be!! Now granted Kyleigh isn't due until June 23, so she isn't overdue, but this momma right here is so ready for her to be here. We are just really excited to meet her, but also, honestly, i am over this pregnant thing lol. I am at the point where i am just so uncomfortable and swollen that its pretty terrible. Everything is ready for her to be here though. Her bedroom is set up, she has everything she could possibly need, and we put the pack n' play together last night, which is what we are going to use for her to sleep in, in our bedroom.

I had my appointment with Dr. Aron on Wednesday and while i was there he stripped my membranes....talk about painful!! He didn't tell me what he was doing until after he was done, which was probably a good thing, because i researched it before going to the appointment after someone mentioning it to me and decided i didn't think i wanted that to happen haha. But with that being done, it is supposed to speed up the process of labor beginning, so i thought that maybe, just maybe, i would be feeling contractions now but nope nothing serious. Thursday night into Friday afternoon i was having these menstrual type cramps that lasted anywhere from 3-5 min and were 2 hours apart from one another. Since then, not too much of anything. The doctor did say that if she is not here by my next appointment on Wednesday, we will talk about inducing me, so hopefully we will at least have her here by next weekend if not sooner. He also felt my stomach and was guessing her weight was around 6 1/2-7lbs. With tomorrow being Father's Day though, it would be awesome if she came then. The husband is at the Pro National Motocross Race today, which i am really sad to be missing, so as long as she holds off until after then, i'll be ok.

Come on baby girl! Mommy & Daddy are ready!!!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Baby Shower (May 14, 2011)

Wow, it's been a long while since i have been on here! Whelp i've only got 4 weeks left!! Although when people see me they tend to think i won't make it that long, and honestly as long as Kyleigh is healthy, i would love for her to come any day myself. I am def. pretty miserable these days. I have my days where i feel ok, but the miserable ones seem to out number them. Guess we shall see when she decides to make her appearance :)

On a better note i had my surprise baby shower Saturday, May 14th, thrown by my mom, mother-in-law and two sister-in-laws. It was absolutely amazing!! They did a really great job putting it together. There were so many people there i couldn't believe it. I believe the final headcount was 48!! Crazy huh?! So with all those people you can imagine the amount of gifts! The first time i turned to look at the table i was in complete shock. First thought, "what on earth are we gonna do with all that stuff?!" (Believe it or not, i actually got it all put away in one day)

Like i said, it was an amazing shower. We played a few games like guessing the baby food flavors in the jars, guessing items in the diaper bag, guessing the melted chocolate bars in the diapers, and i know there was one more but i am having a total brain fart (its the preggo brain hehe). The food was good and my cake looked gorgeous, courtesy of my friend Amanda's mom. I am so happy that all my family and friends could make it to the shower and share that special day with me!

Momma & I

Mebell & I

My Bestie :)

& I got to see an old friend from so long ago :)

Myself & Sarah

Saturday, April 23, 2011

9 weeks to go!!!!

I cannot believe that i only have 9 weeks left!!! It is getting so close, yet not getting here soon enough, if that makes any sense. The miserable stages are beginning to set in though i think so lets just say i'm ready now!! haha. I don't wanna even see how bad it can get. The tiredness is beginning to set back in which is perfectly tolerable, its the serious lack of sleep and swelling of the feet and ankles that is driving me insane!! This week has been one rough week as far as sleep is concerned. It's not even really her moving around in the middle of the night thats doing it, i just can't get comfortable to save my life!! I will toss and turn for what seems like hours, and i am waking up with pain in my legs, like a charlie horse or something.....ugh!! Guess i will be ready for when she gets here though huh?! I feel like when she comes though, at least i can try and nap when she does. Aside from all that though things are going good. Dr. Aron says everything has been progressing normal, test results all come back good, measurements are good, so i should be thankful for all of that :)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

7 Months!!!

Wow cannot believe i am exactly 28 weeks today!! Only 12 weeks left and they can't pass quickly enough. The closer i get to my due date, the more the baby fever kicks in. I am ready for my baby girl to be here!! Another thing i am excited for......baby shower!!! Although let me tell you, this little girl is spoiled already!! I cannot tell you how many outfits people have been buying for her. Between my mom, mother-in-law, the girls at work, and even one of my husbands co-workers wives, she has received so much. She is catching up to my wardrobe very quickly!! The closet and changing table are starting to fill to capacity!

Miss Kyleigh has been on the move all week!! She has been more active this week then she ever has. It really is an amazing yet weird feeling. I love the fact that it is so noticeable now though. Josh is able to see all of her movements and he thinks it is just the craziest thing. She is getting stronger and stronger, so that means so are all her movements. She is sliding around in there as we speak :) The one thing i could go without however are the jabs/kicks at my ribs. My goodness is that uncomfortable, and a little painful at that. It literally makes me jump every time she does it, and she has been doing it on a regular basis lately.....thanks a lot baby girl!

This pregnancy has brought Josh and I so much closer. Not that we weren't before, but the fact that we are getting ready to have a child that we created together is making our relationship so much stronger. I mean lets be honest, every relationship has their ups and downs, and every couple has their little arguments, but the further i get in the pregnancy, the closer the two of us have become, and we are just so much happier now. The occasional bickering is pretty much non-existent now and all we talk about and focus on is Kyleigh. The two of us couldn't be happier and are so anxious for her arrival!! Hopefully these next 12 weeks fly by!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A work in progress....

Spring is here, so its time to start working on the yard!! We had an issue with water sitting in this one area of the yard, causing a mini pond when it would rain so the hubby has officially began working on the problem. We got this dirt, plus top soil, to level out some of the front yard and it has made such a big difference. We've had a few days of rain lately and no more pond in the yard!! Now its time to get some grass going since our yard is now mostly dirt. Josh plans on getting some sod for the first few feet of the yard and then the rest is up to grass seed. Only downfall of building your own home is your required to get the yard going too!! I must say though that it is all worth it! The husband has been doing a great job getting this yard together! Great time for me to be preggo too :) Get's me out of having to do yard work! Can't wait for the finished product.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Reunited :)

Got to see my long lost friend Emfrey tonight!! Best friends in high school but then she moved away to Miami and it is very seldom i get to see her anymore. Luckily while she was in town this week i got to meet up with her and have dinner to catch up on, well, everything!! It has been way too long since the two of us have had time to catch up, so the two hours we were out we talked about anything and everything. Caught up on what was new in life, how the families were doing, talked about the men in our lives, and then of course the large growth i have in my stomach :) I miss having her around to talk to about stuff. The two of us were so close before she moved away, but unfortunately with over 1,000 miles between us, we've drifted and don't get to talk as often. Thankfully she was able to come down in 2008 to be a bridesmaid in the wedding, and i am hoping she will be able to make it down again for when Miss Kyleigh arrives. Friends are hard to come by these days, but i am just glad that even though we may not be as close as we used to be, i still have her in my life.

Reunited :)

On a different note, i'm officially 25 weeks pregnant. Can you believe it?! Only 15 more weeks to go. Time is going by so quickly, yet somehow seems slow at the same time if that makes any sense. According to the website "baby gaga", she should slowly be moving from the breech position to the head-first position for birth. Eeekk. Things are progressing so quickly!!

25 weeks

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Zander!!

Saturday, January 26th was my nephew Zander's 1st birthday!!! This little man is one of the cutest i've ever seen. He loves his Aunt Sheewa!!

We celebrated his birthday with family and some of their friends on Saturday and had a really good time. I cannot get enough of this boy so anytime i get to spend with him and his brother and sister i absolutely cherish. It was pretty humorous when we all began singing "Happy Birthday" his face dropped and just had this look like "what in the world is wrong with these people?!"

Most adorable thing, him eating his birthday cake :) Makes me so excited for whats in store for Josh and I once Kyleigh gets here!


Wow i have really been neglecting this blog lately!!

Anywho, found out back on February 7th that the husband and I are expecting a baby girl!!

Kyleigh Alyssa is due June 23, 2011 and that time cannot get here soon enough! I will officially be 24 weeks tomorrow. 6 months down, 4 to go! Pregnancy has been going great. Nausea only lasted the first trimester and since then has been smooth sailing. Only downfall is i've been dealing with a lot of acne outbreaks since probably month two. It's driving me CRAZY but will be so worth it in the end. Finally broke down yesterday and got maternity clothes. So much more comfortable now at work when i sit down and the jeans are like heaven!! As soon as i put them on i was like "omg these feel amazing!" Jeans were what was killing me the most but thanks to Old Navy, i got myself a few new pair of jeans to wear with the elastic waist and they fit great!!

(23 weeks)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

19 weeks already.....wow!! Honestly i think i am getting bigger by the day :) It is crazy how in the past week or so my stomach seems to be growing more and more everyday. Even the girls at work are starting to notice it. The end of next week will be 20 weeks for me.....5 months....crazy!! Josh and I are getting more and more excited. Not sure if we are on the same level as my mom though, haha. This is her first grand baby and she is already going all out getting us stuff for the new baby. She found a really great deal on a crib and dresser/changer combo so of course we had to get it!!

(& the adorable picture frame "Mom + Dad = Me")

We've also gotten a travel system & the matching pack & play to go with it. Buying things like that in a uni-sex color so that way incase we have a boy now and girl later (or vice versa) we won't have to buy all new again.

February 7th cannot get here quick enough!! I wanna know what this baby is :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Appointment @ 17 weeks

Yesterday i had an appointment with Dr. Aron for one of my monthly check-ups. Only have gained one pound since last month, which they said is good and my blood pressure & last blood results all came back good too. Got to hear the baby's heartbeat again which was awesome because last month it was still so small that i couldn't really hear it too well. Baby's heart rate is at 150 beats per minute, which also is in the normal range.

Cannot wait for next month to get here so we can find out the sex of the baby!! Appointment is scheduled for February 7th and it can't get here soon enough :) I honestly don't even have a gut feeling on what i could be having. I guess it's because i will be happy either way. Everyone else's guess seems to be boy so i guess we shall see!!

A little less the 4 weeks left till we find out if it's gonna be PINK or BLUE :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy 3rd birthday to my adorable nephew CJ. Tomorrow is his actual birthday, but we celebrated today with the family. Toy Story was the the theme of the party and he had such a good time. So excited for his big day and loved all of his Toy Story gifts! I love getting to spend time with my niece and nephews. They are the cutest, happiest children i have ever seen. This is one of the many things i cannot wait for when our journey begins. Celebrating birthdays and seeing the sheer joy on our child's face will be priceless :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The start of a new chapter in our lives....

We're expecting!!! Something that i have not broadcasted to just everyone yet as far as like facebook and all that goes. We couldn't be more excited! The estimated arrival of our little one is June 26, 2011. The date of course has changed once already so i guess we shall see where we are at, at our next sonogram. My next appointment is scheduled for next week with Dr. Aron and then we will set up the appointment then for the sonogram to find out the sex of our baby!! Everyone asks the question "what do you hope to have?", but honestly it doesn't matter to me either way. I am just hoping for a healthy and full term little one :) This next sonogram cannot come quick enough though because i can't wait to know whether i will be shopping for a boy or girl. I have already begun looking at baby items so the suspense is killing me!!