Saturday, June 18, 2011

39 weeks 2 days

......& Kyleigh is apparently in no rush to make her appearance!! I honestly would have thought she would be here by now. I am huge and feel like i could literally pop if you poked me with something. She's got to be running out of room in there so i don't see how it can be that comfy in there, but comfy and warm she must be!! Now granted Kyleigh isn't due until June 23, so she isn't overdue, but this momma right here is so ready for her to be here. We are just really excited to meet her, but also, honestly, i am over this pregnant thing lol. I am at the point where i am just so uncomfortable and swollen that its pretty terrible. Everything is ready for her to be here though. Her bedroom is set up, she has everything she could possibly need, and we put the pack n' play together last night, which is what we are going to use for her to sleep in, in our bedroom.

I had my appointment with Dr. Aron on Wednesday and while i was there he stripped my about painful!! He didn't tell me what he was doing until after he was done, which was probably a good thing, because i researched it before going to the appointment after someone mentioning it to me and decided i didn't think i wanted that to happen haha. But with that being done, it is supposed to speed up the process of labor beginning, so i thought that maybe, just maybe, i would be feeling contractions now but nope nothing serious. Thursday night into Friday afternoon i was having these menstrual type cramps that lasted anywhere from 3-5 min and were 2 hours apart from one another. Since then, not too much of anything. The doctor did say that if she is not here by my next appointment on Wednesday, we will talk about inducing me, so hopefully we will at least have her here by next weekend if not sooner. He also felt my stomach and was guessing her weight was around 6 1/2-7lbs. With tomorrow being Father's Day though, it would be awesome if she came then. The husband is at the Pro National Motocross Race today, which i am really sad to be missing, so as long as she holds off until after then, i'll be ok.

Come on baby girl! Mommy & Daddy are ready!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You look like you're carrying a ball around in your shirt! Come on Kyleigh! We all want to see your beautiful face!
