Thursday, March 31, 2011

7 Months!!!

Wow cannot believe i am exactly 28 weeks today!! Only 12 weeks left and they can't pass quickly enough. The closer i get to my due date, the more the baby fever kicks in. I am ready for my baby girl to be here!! Another thing i am excited shower!!! Although let me tell you, this little girl is spoiled already!! I cannot tell you how many outfits people have been buying for her. Between my mom, mother-in-law, the girls at work, and even one of my husbands co-workers wives, she has received so much. She is catching up to my wardrobe very quickly!! The closet and changing table are starting to fill to capacity!

Miss Kyleigh has been on the move all week!! She has been more active this week then she ever has. It really is an amazing yet weird feeling. I love the fact that it is so noticeable now though. Josh is able to see all of her movements and he thinks it is just the craziest thing. She is getting stronger and stronger, so that means so are all her movements. She is sliding around in there as we speak :) The one thing i could go without however are the jabs/kicks at my ribs. My goodness is that uncomfortable, and a little painful at that. It literally makes me jump every time she does it, and she has been doing it on a regular basis lately.....thanks a lot baby girl!

This pregnancy has brought Josh and I so much closer. Not that we weren't before, but the fact that we are getting ready to have a child that we created together is making our relationship so much stronger. I mean lets be honest, every relationship has their ups and downs, and every couple has their little arguments, but the further i get in the pregnancy, the closer the two of us have become, and we are just so much happier now. The occasional bickering is pretty much non-existent now and all we talk about and focus on is Kyleigh. The two of us couldn't be happier and are so anxious for her arrival!! Hopefully these next 12 weeks fly by!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A work in progress....

Spring is here, so its time to start working on the yard!! We had an issue with water sitting in this one area of the yard, causing a mini pond when it would rain so the hubby has officially began working on the problem. We got this dirt, plus top soil, to level out some of the front yard and it has made such a big difference. We've had a few days of rain lately and no more pond in the yard!! Now its time to get some grass going since our yard is now mostly dirt. Josh plans on getting some sod for the first few feet of the yard and then the rest is up to grass seed. Only downfall of building your own home is your required to get the yard going too!! I must say though that it is all worth it! The husband has been doing a great job getting this yard together! Great time for me to be preggo too :) Get's me out of having to do yard work! Can't wait for the finished product.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Reunited :)

Got to see my long lost friend Emfrey tonight!! Best friends in high school but then she moved away to Miami and it is very seldom i get to see her anymore. Luckily while she was in town this week i got to meet up with her and have dinner to catch up on, well, everything!! It has been way too long since the two of us have had time to catch up, so the two hours we were out we talked about anything and everything. Caught up on what was new in life, how the families were doing, talked about the men in our lives, and then of course the large growth i have in my stomach :) I miss having her around to talk to about stuff. The two of us were so close before she moved away, but unfortunately with over 1,000 miles between us, we've drifted and don't get to talk as often. Thankfully she was able to come down in 2008 to be a bridesmaid in the wedding, and i am hoping she will be able to make it down again for when Miss Kyleigh arrives. Friends are hard to come by these days, but i am just glad that even though we may not be as close as we used to be, i still have her in my life.

Reunited :)

On a different note, i'm officially 25 weeks pregnant. Can you believe it?! Only 15 more weeks to go. Time is going by so quickly, yet somehow seems slow at the same time if that makes any sense. According to the website "baby gaga", she should slowly be moving from the breech position to the head-first position for birth. Eeekk. Things are progressing so quickly!!

25 weeks

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Zander!!

Saturday, January 26th was my nephew Zander's 1st birthday!!! This little man is one of the cutest i've ever seen. He loves his Aunt Sheewa!!

We celebrated his birthday with family and some of their friends on Saturday and had a really good time. I cannot get enough of this boy so anytime i get to spend with him and his brother and sister i absolutely cherish. It was pretty humorous when we all began singing "Happy Birthday" his face dropped and just had this look like "what in the world is wrong with these people?!"

Most adorable thing, him eating his birthday cake :) Makes me so excited for whats in store for Josh and I once Kyleigh gets here!


Wow i have really been neglecting this blog lately!!

Anywho, found out back on February 7th that the husband and I are expecting a baby girl!!

Kyleigh Alyssa is due June 23, 2011 and that time cannot get here soon enough! I will officially be 24 weeks tomorrow. 6 months down, 4 to go! Pregnancy has been going great. Nausea only lasted the first trimester and since then has been smooth sailing. Only downfall is i've been dealing with a lot of acne outbreaks since probably month two. It's driving me CRAZY but will be so worth it in the end. Finally broke down yesterday and got maternity clothes. So much more comfortable now at work when i sit down and the jeans are like heaven!! As soon as i put them on i was like "omg these feel amazing!" Jeans were what was killing me the most but thanks to Old Navy, i got myself a few new pair of jeans to wear with the elastic waist and they fit great!!

(23 weeks)