Saturday, January 14, 2012

Kyleigh's First Cold :(

Kyleigh has gotten her very first cold :(  Can't say i'm surprised though considering this weather has been absolutely ridiculous and her cousins have all been sick too, which is where she is half the day while I work. This weather we have been getting lately has been crazy! 60 degrees one day and now we are in the 30's within a few days. She is doing well with it though. No fever, only a cough and runny nose. A little more irritable today then she was yesterday, but have been very lucky. No crying fits, just doesn't want to be left alone. Has been crying if we walk away from her. Has had trouble napping today but I finally have her down so hopefully she sleeps longer. Been up since 7am and has only had 2 half hour naps.

On a different note, I am continuing to cook. Don't get me wrong I always cooked, just stuck to the norm though or would make those frozen meals in the bags. Made a chicken broccoli stuffing bake last night and made homemade chili today with corn bread. Not to toot my own horn or anything but I must say, these new meals have been turning out delish!....TOOT TOOT :)   One of the meals didn't turn out how I was hoping but I hope to find a way to tweak it a little and try again.

Hubby has been out hunting with his uncle since about 5 this morning and is still not home. Probably hanging around his uncles, which is convenient for him since its only a few min down the road, as well as his usual hunting spot. We love living out here in the country, so peaceful, relaxing, and lots of wild life!

Now its football time! And later tonight my Pats vs. Broncos. Let's go PATS!!!

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1 comment:

  1. I hope she is all better now! Post some pictures of her so I can see how cute she is....haha.
